Shot by Ram
About me
Hello there!
Who I am?
The picture here speaks a lot about me. Ram was testing out the lights and asked me to pose and I ended up with this goofy pose. I like to keep by myself and I'm very easy going, but I take my photography very seriously and especially weddings.
How and when wedding photography started?
In May 2010, two of my best friends tied the holy knot of marriage. When they approached me to capture, with my little knowledge in wedding photography I was skeptical. But I did shoot and I knew one thing at the end of the wedding - this is exactly what I wanted to do. From simple weddings in remote villages of India to destination weddings at Dubai, choosing to specialise in wedding photography has broadened my whole photography experience and I’m glad I did. If there’s one person who inspires me to do what my heart says, it’s Kareem Ikka from "Ustaad Hotel". Working for something you love is more fruitful than working for pointless things.
What I believe?
Throughout my journey as a photographer, I’ve been asked one frequent question - “Are you a professional wedding photographer?” I blame it on my height for this question!
I have to reinstate the fact that service and quality truly define professionalism. One might have shot 1000 weddings but trying to create that perfect frame takes years of practise and a keen eye for observing small details. From trying to becoming a bride's best friend to capturing the emotions of parents, friends, and family, my team and I are always up for delivering more than what is expected. Coming to quality, I shoot crazy number photos on a typical day during the wedding week, including cocktail parties and pre-wedding shoots. I go all out and I'm always crazily jumping around every where to get those small/big moments. At the end of the day, it’s moments over mountains for us.